Heavenly bodies sports bar
Heavenly bodies sports bar

heavenly bodies sports bar
  1. Heavenly bodies sports bar movie#
  2. Heavenly bodies sports bar tv#

The “dream come true” shallow easiness of the plot is appealing. Thankfully, the violence bit never came into play at my house growing up.Īside from the themes of sexuality and violence, there is something sweet and hopeful about Heavenly Bodies‘ story. Being raised by a single parent, I could easily connect with Sam’s struggles raising a young boy alone. I would also be remiss if I didn’t mention other social factors addressed in this film, such as Sam being a single mom, and there being some surprising violent scenes that were impressionable on me as a kid.

heavenly bodies sports bar

Plenty of flammable leotard and leg warmers here! Some might say Heavenly Bodies is for mature audiences…for sure, when we are talking about people barely dressed, you will have the camera panning a little too long on some areas of the human anatomy, and no one sex was spared. Heavenly Bodies is true 80s in style and soundtrack.

Heavenly bodies sports bar movie#

Her success irritates him and his jealous girl enough to threaten Sam to shut down Heavenly Bodies…and he can do it because he owns the property on which Sam’s studio sits! In typical fashion, no 80s dance movie would be complete without duelling fitness clubs having a danceathon, and Heavenly Bodies does not disappoint. She is soon picked as host above a number of contenders, including the hot shot fitness club owner’s girlfriend.

Heavenly bodies sports bar tv#

Believing in her abilities, her friends encourage her to audition for the top spot on a new TV fitness program pilot. Sam, the main instructor in the studio, is a lifelong dancer, and has endless energy to jazzercise all day. Now his patrons are choosing to spend their dollars at Heavenly Bodies instead. Business is great, which is drawing ire from the big boss of the big hot-shot fitness club in town that used to have the curb on the workout market. The place gains media attention as the hot new “it” aerobics studio everyone is going, and Sam and her pals are watching the cheques come rolling in. They find an old warehouse to rent, and open their own Jazzercise studio they name Heavenly Bodies. They have met their limit with their secretarial jobs and decide to quit. Samantha and her friends are dance fanatics working the day-job grind in gritty 1985 downtown Toronto. I couldn’t tell you if it was a movie channel I originally watched this on, or just plain old Canadian network TV Can Con fare, but regardless there was a time it seemed to be on every month, and I would catch it every time. Time has faded the memory of these films to a certain extent, however…until one of them caught my eye in my satellite guide recently… and those memories came flooding back.Īnyone remember a little Canadian movie called Heavenly Bodies from 1985? This gem used to air on Canadian TV so often from ’85 to ’88 that the dialogue, music and scenes of this film were burned into my brain. If there was dancing in a movie, I was watching it. There was a succession of dance-themed films, and I knew about all of them. Dancing, however, was fun and physical, and in my own way, I was being sporty…with jazz hands.īack in the 80s, Jazzercise as a theme was a big thing in films (see Flashdance, Staying Alive, Perfect, Dirty Dancing…). I always wished I was good at team sports, but I just…am not. I really did enjoy that time I took jazz and learned a lot about physical balance, coordination and timing – big things for me as I can be unsteady on my feet. I took dance consistently for years well into high school until school work and jobs competed for my time and energy. Aside from having our necessary weekly piano lessons, we took dance classes – Jazz to be precise. My mom had decided that September 1985 was time to put this energy and interest to use. My sis and I would come up with faux dance routines, and sing along like we were rock stars on MTV. In 1985 I loved nothing more than to dance around to music (the hubs would say I still do – ha!).

heavenly bodies sports bar

Have you ever had one of those memory flashes triggered by something – music…a film…even a commercial where you see it or hear it and all of the sudden you recall a film from a long time ago…but the name eludes you…It’s driving you crazy…until the answer arrives when you least expect it?

Heavenly bodies sports bar