Battlefield 2142 single player campaign
Battlefield 2142 single player campaign

It’s people, their choices, and policies. Instead the game is like an angsty teen who’s angry at the world for perceived slights, but one that hasn’t figured out that “the world” isn’t an abstract force. World War I ignited that kind of thinking, but Battlefield 1 doesn’t interrogate it.

battlefield 2142 single player campaign

At least in the minds of those who paid for, and deployed those machines. That, as we developed machines meant to wipe out larger numbers of living, breathing beings, they became those numbers first, and people second. I don’t personally believe that this war, in particular, should be off-limits to games, while equally real conflicts from history and today are A-okay.Yet there is a message unique to WWI that Battlefield 1 could have delivered, if it tried - a story about how mechanizing war devalued human life over time.

battlefield 2142 single player campaign

BF1’s campaign, or “War Stories” as the vignettes are collectively called, doesn’t show the unique respect people say WWI in particular demands.


Having missed both Battlefield: Bad Company and its sequel, this is the first single-player campaign in the series I’d recommend actually troubling yourself to play. It may not accurately reflect trench warfare, but it’s a damn sight more fun than the forgettable campaigns in Battlefield 3, 4, and the woefully misguided Hardline. At times, you’ll even need to sit and capture a point, a la the series’ signature “Conquest” mode - which is where you’ll likely spend much of your time with the multiplayer component. Most carry a specific “theme” to teach you the basics of vehicle, aerial, and on-foot combat. It’s split into six parts that, while numbered, can still be tackled in any order. In fact, Battlefield 1’s campaign is as much a tutorial for its 64-player skirmishes as anything. It works, too, since the strings of mostly-open maps fit Battlefield’s massive multiplayer scale much better than a Call of Duty-inspired roller coaster ride. Battlefield 1 is usually good enough to scatter munitions shacks through its stages, giving you access to sniper rifles, shotguns, dynamite, and any number of wackadoodle weapons to hit the enemy at any range. If you haven’t played Crysis, or even a Far Cry game, I only mean that levels now allow you to tag and tackle crowds of enemies in open spaces from any angle - usually with a bevy of lethal options.

battlefield 2142 single player campaign

That may seem like a step backwards - not to mention an odd one, given that BF1 and Crysis are set at opposite eras of the military shooter genre. Now, with Battlefield 1, they’ve taken to aping Crysis instead. At long last the developers of Battlefield have given up on aping Call of Duty for their recently “necessary” single-player campaigns.

Battlefield 2142 single player campaign